The Roadmap

Where’s Fresh Cards going? From where has it come? Hopefully this page answers those questions.

Fresh Cards was first released for macOS and iOS in October, 2020. Work on it had begun earlier in Spring of that same year. I built it because I couldn’t find a spaced repetition app that was beautiful and easy to use.

Want to see the full history of updates? Check out the changelog.

Future Plans

Want to know what’s coming up next? Read this extensive blog post from March, 2024.

There are still big plans ahead for Fresh Cards. If you have particular requests on what features to add next, please do reach out using one one of the contact methods in the footer of this page.

Who Makes Fresh Cards?

Oh, hey, thanks for scrolling down this far. Fresh Cards is made by indie dev, Allen Ussher. All development, design, artwork, bug-fixing, etc. is by me.

This is a solo venture, so if you love the app, be sure to tell all your friends. And tell your enemies too. They’re probably trying to learn something as well.